Another package came in today ^^
can you see what is it ??
Nintendo DS Lite in Crimson Black ><
cool color~right^^
red on the outside, black on the inside.
but sadly,i'm not buying this for myself.
is for my dear little sister as her Big day is coming soon
and she requested for this ><
i would like to try my hand on it first but i can't
cos no game !!
and i don't intend to buy one as well cos it's not mine ><
if i were given a choice, i would go for Wii instead^^
i'm so curios about the Wii Fit especially.
looks fun plus you get to keep fit as well !!
one stone kill two birds ><
Bagel of the Day:

Chocolate Biscuit Bagel~
This is definitely on my Top 3 favorite list^^
u shud hv consult me b4 u buy . wat is included in the package?
well, i thought it won't make much difference besides de price><
plus no free gift here 1.
de charger and a extra touch screen pen thing, as i can remember.
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