Saturday, June 28, 2008

A lovely afternoon~

As i mentioned Friday was my favorite day of the week 
and of course i wouldn't miss out  for the world^^ 

i had a Ice Caramel Latte with french fries as snack
for a perfect afternoon ^^ 

everyone seems to be enjoying themselves as well ^^

a really grand and lovely house passing by on my way home taken while in the bus.
i love staring at this house and still gets astonish every time i look at it.

Oh~a package came for me today again yet it's not for me actually,
for my dearest...

GISELE~i bought this straight away without a second thought
because Nicole Richie was on the cover !!
and she look stunning and i suppose they'll have a huge spread about her fashion especially
which i adore the most.
and i realized the one common thing that we both had is
but i don't wanna be as skinny as her,
well as if i can >< 
although i do agree she dresses up way better now days 
since she slim down
which gave me the thought,
" In order to look dazzling and perfect , you have to be thin enough to do so ?" 

and the magazine comes with a free gift "Beach Sandals" !!
This will come in handy ^^ since summer is Here !!


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