Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i'm living in heaven everyday.

Home is always warm and welcoming,
minus those comments " you put on weight, right?" 
and of course, the best place ever.
besides filling up my tummy,
friends visiting, being with family is what 
matters to me now ^^

I just got a new haircut
but the hair stylist said I needed a treatment 
because of my hair is badly damaged, dried.
After giving a thought, why not and said OK
but the more i think about it, the more uncomfortable i got
as my parents is waiting for me 
and they would be in state of shock when they heard the price.
you see, me and my parents have different values when it comes to spending.
Basically, they are really 'jimat' while I'm the one who loves to splurge.
so we always have arguments on ways of spending.
Example, paying huge chunk of money on a LV or Gucci bag is something that
they would never do except me since i'm always the odd ball in the family. 
Basically Girls tend to have a thingy for bags, really gorgeous looking yet expensive bags.
I wonder why??
And speaking of bags, i found a new love at Gucci the other day while i was in HK airport,
what should i do??!!!!


JennZuriel said...

Hey girl! Jennifer here!

You're back for good or for hols?
Anyways, let's yumcha lah! Haven't seen you since that time we bumped into each other at Ikano b4 u left for Japan..

Anonymous said...

i just left from heaven..and now..back to...haihz..

all wrong timing..

u back on 8, p-chan back on 10, i left on 10, yau back on 11.. no time meet each other oso..

ka~chan said...

C.Yi_p : ya lo, i was hoping we could meet up before you go back. zannen..
anyways, you are back on job hunting, right?
all the best !!