Thursday, April 9, 2009

我が親友へ お誕生日おめでとう!!

to P~chan:
may u have every success in ur life !!!
and seeing u smile and happy everyday^^

a  shot of b'day girl from behind the bars ><

the feast for the day Osaka famous delicacy- Kushi Age which was also our first time.
basiclly, u just pick what u like and put it in the fryer. when it turns into golden brown, 
you dip into  different range of sauce of your choice for a better taste

and thanks to the b'day girl for this lovely meal ^^

pretty pink roses for the b'day girl from Jo.

i wanna get hold of the roses too ~
while wondering if  I ever received flowers before ><

we ate like there was tomorrow because
better regret later than now is our motto ^^

went for Starbucks later on for a sip and chat.
btw, i had their Orange Honey Latte and I like it *^^*

Final snap for the day before we said our goodbyes><

Like they all say, happy moment goes by fast.


aKi said...

Kher sin... can help me renew my FC??
from cK

kexiou said...

love to see you blog about your life there, take care girl :) btw, i just realised i don't have ur msn -.-" mine is add me!

ペイシャン said...

ka-chan arigatou^^
im happy coz u guyz are always with me~
no matter what happen in the future, i hope that we could still hanging out once a time and have fun =P
『わが親友へ 毎日が幸せでいられますよう~』