OMG!!! OMG!!! i really feel like i'm the luckiest girl the WORLD!!!
well, the story goes like this.
i was going for a grocery shopping just now,
trying to get the half price bento and some other snacks...
the place was like 5min away by bike
so i happily, thinking what i'll be having for my dinner
and off i went.
cos it's just a grocery shopping, so
i only brought my purse and handphone
where i put it in a Hello Kitty pouch and hang it to my bike.
Btw, it was my 1st time doing it cos i thought it was convenient !!
after i put i put all my grocery to the basket and heading towards the counter
Suddenly i realized i didn't had my purse , or should i say my pouch with me!!
so i told the cashier i'll be right back with my purse
and i dash to my bike noticing nothing was hanging around there.
And this is when i started getting panic !!!!
i went back to the cashier asking him if he notice any pouch in the basket
and he said "No".
i felt my world crashing down when he said that.
so i apologized to him saying i lost my purse and tell him to cancel all my purchase
and there goes my bento ><
just like a flashback, i tried to remember where i might had drop it.
thinking thinking while trying to calm myself.
so i decided to go back to the route i took before and thinking it might drop somewhere
but it was really dark and i can hardly see
so i decided to try my luck at the supermarket . after asking a staff around for any lost and found and searching through almost the whole supermarket. no luck.
but thinking on the bright side, the supermarket wasn't as big like tesco or whatever.
so i decided to give up and call it again, praying someone nice will find it and return to me ASAP!!
At that moment,when i was walking towards the stairs of my apartment , i saw IT !!
YES!!! YES!!!!
It's my Hello Kitty Pouch !!
i've been looking for you all over and turns out you are sitting right here !!
i can't believe it!!
i'm so thankful for the person who found it but i don't know who was it
but still, a big THANK YOU!!!
you really saved my day~
so i started to think , should i go back to the supermarket and get my bento
that i've should had munching away 30min ago
but i decided not to.
instead i'm going for a fasting.
that is to give myself a lesson for being so careless.
i have to make a confession : i'm a very careless girl and this is not my 1st time losing something very precious. ><

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