Wednesday, January 7, 2009

you can never go wrong with...maybe not ?!

On the 2nd day of new year,
which was also a big day for us ladies
and others who are in Japan
as it was the day the bargain starts !!
besides all the sales that are going on,
one thing not be missed it's the 'Lucky Bag'
it's a bag full of clothes worth a lot but there
are selling it at really cheap and fixed price.
so it can be both exciting and disappointing at the same time
as it all comes down to your luck ><

Oops, an interesting 'Lucky bag' spotted ><

I lost count of how many bags we bought
but gladly, everything fitted in the car just fine ><

my 1st bag: all of these items for the price of 5250yen!!
if i sum up everything for the original price, it would have worth at least triple of it!!

2nd bag: basically I love everything that's coming from this bag so no complain at all

there was a piece of cloth, well i think it's more of a dress
but we had a really hard time figuring out how to put it on.
the guys were being helpful as well, showing their sense of fashion.

my friend here trying to be you know who?
(Hint: the famous Korean actor starring in W_nter  S0_at_)

last but not least, the aftermath ><
my dear friend here C.Y. had been driving us all day since 9am,
helping us with our bags, being very patient with us-the ladies ><
i even remembered on the day before, he said he won't be fetching us there,
i started throwing tantrums and it must had the scared the hell out of him 
and the whole table as well ><
I was just trying to fool around.
 well, maybe i was being a bit over reacting ..
And actually this was the 2nd time in a row that he drove us all the way to town
 but i guess we won't getting our 3rd time ><
Still, THANK YOU Ch_ng Y_ap @(^o^)@ 



Anonymous said...

wey, maybe thr's the 3rd time ler?? lol..

next year i fly back then rental car to drive u all..hahahaha..

ka~chan said...

well, maybe there will a 3rd time,
lookin' forward to it den ^^
act, i was more worry u won't like de pic i put
bt since u didn't mentioned,i guess we r all happy
with it den ><

Anonymous said...

hahahaha..the pic taken like not so f*t hor..hmm..still ok still ok...hahahhaa

put lar any pic. u's UR nit care of

looking forward for more updates~(i was nbtd)

ka~chan said...

to my dear reader:
thank you so much for all the comments

i'll try not to dissapoint u.
but too bad i havent got all the pics so u have to wait patiently

btw, wat is nbtd??

Anonymous said...

ur kawan J also asked the same question b4..but i not yet answer her, hope she'll see this lar..

so, nbtd = Nothing Better To Do

a word a day..must remember lor..

ka~chan said...

icic, a very useful word indedd ^^