Monday, February 16, 2009

Defending the truth~

While I'm still enjoying my holidays, 
doing nothing but eat, sleep,shop, more eating...
I'm still keeping an eye on my weight,
or should i say my mum is the one keeping her eagle eye
watching over every single bite i take 
and starts chipping away if I had more than what i'm supposed to.
I guess that's the only freedom that is taken away from me while I'm home ><

recently, while I was nosing through blogs, 
i found this kinda of interesting blog "Just Wushu No Dao"
As you can read from the title it's about Wushu and
I have a family member who is involved in it.
I guess it is written by this guy who has a deep passion in Wushu 
and trying to defend the rights and true meaning of Wushu.
anyway, have a look^^

1 comment:

JennZuriel said...

i totally get how you feel about being watched over food intake..sigh..