Monday, March 23, 2009

Please tell me it is still there ><

I'm strongly regretting right now because I didn't grab that freakin' Starbucks coupon !!
AH~I hate myself for that ><
Shouldn't have all those second thoughts, just grab and go.
Who doesn't want a free short size coffee of your from Starbucks for FREE!!
Well, the story goes like this.
Yesterday after work, I found these Starbucks Coupons lying on the desk in the office, and being the always nosy me, I had a look at it and there was a map with the location on it. But I assume it was somewhere further since there is no sign of anything familiar around but my assumption was wrong ><.
It turns out the Starbucks, which is opening soon on this Friday is only a few blocks away
from where I'm working now !!!  I only realized this morning after hearing a customer
saying to his friend like "Hey , there is a Starbucks over there. " and  I was like "where ? where?"and finally saw it with my own eyes, not far away with the big green mermaid looking sign board.
Upon founding out,  I told myself  I'm so gonna  get that coupon after work and when I did it was GONE !!  Sh**t ><  but I saw it again this morning on the exact same place !! I ask around and no one seems to notice it as well><
Well, they must have misplace it somewhere, thinking this way to console myself although the feeling of heartbreak and regrets is still holding my breath :( 
But, I'm not giving up yet.
Since I'm working tomorrow, I can still snoop around the office searching for it ><
And when it comes to the worst, I'll just ask my manager about it.
Doing all this for the sake of FREE STARBUCKS COFFEE because I'm penniless to spend on luxuries now.
Plus, I could really use a boost of caffeine since I'm starting my the other new job tomorrow ><
People, wish me luck as I'm on a quest to search for the GOLDEN TICKET tomorrow!!

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