Tuesday, April 14, 2009

grasping for some air

Things are not going well now days, as I predicted before.
I thought I already knew what I wanted to do in the future,
my plans for everything but things just doesn't seem to being on smoothly.
I'll be graduating next year and i was planning
to go for my Masters but I'm not sure about it anymore
Cos I just can't seem to find the right topic to venture into.
Should I continue with what I'm doing all this while??
Only I know the answer.
Sometimes I just feel like giving up everything and go home but I know I'll regret it later ><
I keep telling myself to stand up straight and give all my best in everything I do but how long can I continue with all this mess !?
I'm floating in the sea, feeling lost, very lost while searching for the lighthouse before I start sinking ><


someone.. said...

hmm..still got one year..take it slowly..

ka~chan said...

well, i'm concern about the one year later.
i'm just afraid things will be too late if I don't made up my mind soon enough.
but obivously, i should have made my decision long time ago ><

another someone said...

hmm..nike said "just do it"

dunno who said "if u think u can, u can"

someone said "ganbatte ne"

jo said...

i dont think 'take it slowly' is helping much..i kno how u feel cuz im feeling that as well..shingaku is not my 1st choice..yet i really wanna tapau and balik cuz i dunno whats the next atep i should do..in fact i dun even wanna do anything rite now..cuz i dont even kno what im afraid of..anyway..got time call me ya

brother said...

times can be hard, but u r not the only 1 who r fighting for wat u believe. we all r.
but 1 thing is for sure, if u give up, everything will bcome 0.
if u keep up, u may not be able to reach ur goal in a short time, but as long as u r in the right path, u ll reach there eventually