Saturday, May 30, 2009

I GoT A NEW Pet *^^*

It was a day full of fun, joy and laughter and I cherished every moment of it,
knowing I won't be able to do so as often as I want to in the days to come.

this pic is taken at our favorite spot and it's somewhere that u'll never imagine where it would be ><

the pleasure of shopping ~

a surprise gift from a good friend. it's not only cute and cuddly, yet memorable and so we decided to camwhore with it ^^

To the good friend who gave me and my girls this special gift:
Thank You
we really love it
will always do till the very end !!!!


lanevo0522 said...

good friend??

btw, the tiger is cute~ lolz..

ka~chan said...

yup, consider as a good fren ><
but can't tell cos de person involved wants 2 keep his profile off.

17th may said...

the last day of may:(
cute tiger hor...non for u mr.4+4

Mr.4 + 4 said...

last day of may .. >.< ..

the tiger is cute..just like u two..hahahahahaha @(^^)@