Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oh, Genie in the bottle plz plz plz !!!

Waking up at 12.30 in the noon today, the best feeling ever !!

Being able to hand in my proposal just in time yesterday, although I was a bit behind time ><>

And a huge appreciation to all the people who help me out ~Thanks

But now the waiting part, is giving me all the jinx ><

Please let me pass !!

I really want this to work , very very badly and desperately ><


something I fell in love with recently ^^
these combination can never go wrong.
And I really have to say, Haagen-Dazs never let me down before,
not even once ><


ed westwick rocks said...

wow...din notice that flavour today at jusco..chiz..should have get it...

fingers crossing for u dear

ka~chan said...

thank you ><
n hope u like de afogato flavor too!!

haagen daz in msia is expensive.. said...

banana choco?? lolz..

u think ems to msia, the haagen daz will tokeru or not ??