Saturday, July 4, 2009

T stands for Tokyo !!

After my recent emo post, I did a lot of thinking and I even went for a haircut.Well, more of a trim.
Getting rejected is the worst feeling in the world but somehow it made me stronger.
Since the first one shut me out, I'll just have to move on and keep on knocking all those doors till someone answers me. But I wonder how long will that take??
Well, moving on, I just came back from Tokyo yesterday morning.
It was a trip alone and despite of all the fears, I came back alive.
I'm a survivor, getting through all the hustle bustle especially in Shinjuku.
The crowd is something I can never get used to><
the worst part of all, me with no sense of direction.
Getting lost while trying to locate the locker, running back and forth on the exact same spot ><
Despite being a business trip, I still get my share of fun and also the highlight of the trip- SHOPPING and boy was I on the right timing, It's the season of Sale.
As you all expect, I did quiet some damage but no feeling of guilt at all.
Well, maybe a little ><

On my 2nd day, as I had all the time to myself so is time to explore Harajuku
, which is also something that I wanted to do for a very long time.

1st stop was Takenoshita Doori, a place where all the young people hang out,
with the latest trend and fashion in afforadable price.

something that was hard to miss ><

F21, something that we are very familiar back home which just made it in shore to Tokyo recently and causing a big hit.
on the weekends, you have to line up just to get in the store and my friend did: an hour !!!
lucky for me, it was a thursday so I enter the store with no sweat,
only to realize there was another warzone inside.
the crowd was horrible and people were pushing.

my main event of the day and the trip, although that is not how I told my dad><
H&M is also another retail store that is causing waves around Japan especially in Tokyo
and I'm so excited there are coming to Osaka early next year !!
I did most of my shopping here as they were Sale !!
the one word that can keep my heart pumping faster then ever ><

my final stop for the day: Johnny's store Harajuku

I had the hardest time locating this store as it was away from the crowded street, kept away in a quiet little lane.

A little something I got for myself , since I'm already there><

Dessert: vanilla ice-cream with the ever-amazing unforgettable best caramel sauce in the world.
I really mean it.

Time to show off part of my bargain from H&M

And the only item i got from F21 because I shopped too much in H&M

[A big thank you to my dear friend Iza here for letting me stay over at her place and the warm hospitality]


1 week osaka working ppl.. said...

wah..went harajyuku !!

shopping !!

Tokyo !!

no matter what happen, ur fren here always mentally supporting u..

can i have the ice-cream too ??

p/s: ano purikura.. >.<

jo said...

pic of the day : iza's billboard

ka~chan said...

Iza's pose is definitely the most unforgettable one ^^

JennZuriel said...

I'm so jealous!! >.<