Tuesday, July 7, 2009

to the wushu fighter of Cheng family :Happy Birthday!!!

Before today ends, I have another birthday post coming up and that is:

{Happy Birthday, Bro \*^0^*/}

I guess I seldom mention about him in my blog but that doesn't mean we aren't close because the truth is, we are very very close. As in I will ask him for advice on certain topic and one of it would be the L.O.V.E sick thing . Well, I have to admit he knows way better than me when it comes to this, plus hearing out from a guy opinion is necessary too, right??!
But, thinking back we weren't that close up till standard 6 ><
I hated him deep into the bones back then, and we fought 24/7, physically as well and I always lost,
which I hated it a lot.we never agreed with each other on anything and everything.
But it all changed when we entered secondary school.He seemed friendlier, and more approachable. And till today the only reason I can think of for the changes that happend was because he was so in love and thank god for that ><
Without realizing, I got influenced by my bro a lot while growing up especially when it comes to music.
Lets see, I became a huge fan of Spice Girls after listening to their first album which he bought it and so does Backstreet Boys. I started to listen to J-pop music when he bought the Speed album. Every story ended the same, me being the ultimate fan while he moves on to something else. And eventually, I will soon follow suit ><
As for today, I am so thankful for having a big brother like you to joke around, to be my love doctor, to annoy me sometimes, and as my 'spokeperson' ><
Btw, I wish I can have some of your PR skill ><
Why it isn't in my blood although we are siblings? not fair >0<

p/s: Dear bro, if you don't mind, this post will make up as ur b'day presen,k ??!

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