Wednesday, September 23, 2009

what is on my mind -.-

I assume my dear readers are understanding people and will once again forgive my M.I.A,

or perhaps this happend too often that no one cares after all ><

My current status is I'm back in Osaka.

After spending more than a month lazying around at home,

stuffing myself non-stop that everything I put on makes me feel ugly><>

But I guess it's never too late to start eating healthier and walk that extra miles^^

Honestly, I think I'm in a huge mess right now><

I don't mean my room,well maybe except for my closet lol

Things to be done and fix are piling up but I just don't feel like going through them,for now.

Luckily, I managed to get my butt up to work this morning.

Well, at least i did something useful ><

p/s: i miss home already lol

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